Believing is Seeing

Seeing isn’t believing; believing is seeing.
— Judy the Elf (The Santa Clause)

Oh, you read that right. Sometimes inspiration comes from the strangest places, and this little nugget came from the movie, The Santa Clause.

Have you seen that one? It’s the one where Tim Allen plays a man who becomes the new Santa Clause after the original one falls off his roof. It sounds like a horror story but I promise it’s super cute.

ANYWAY, in the movie, the main character is visiting the North Pole and as he’s drinking hot chocolate made by a little Elf named Judy, he tells her that he still doesn’t believe what’s happening is real. He actually says, “I see it, but I don’t believe it.” The elf tells him that she’s not surprised because it’s hard for grownups to believe in magic. Then she said the most profound thing that stuck with me, and incidentally also with my son:

“Seeing isn’t believing; believing is seeing.”

If that ain’t the TRUTH, right there!

You don’t wait until you can see or touch something to believe it’s real. You believe in it, and then it’s as real as my obsession with coffee, which is as real as the air flowing in and out of your lungs, let me tell ya.

Our Reality is Shaped by Our Beliefs

My point with all of this is that we shape our reality based on what we believe to be true. I’ve written in other posts about believing that you deserve good things, and speaking to yourself in a positive voice, but my focus here is more about stepping out in faith and going after the things you want.

The end of the year is fast-approaching and it’s a time when most people reflect on the events of the year and what they envision for themselves in the next 12 months. People are setting intentions, deciding on resolutions, and gearing up for the wave of “New Year, New Me” vibes. This is the year I’m finally going to lose the weight, write the book, start the business, get out and see the world…Whatever goals you have in mind, you’re ready to take them on starting January 1st, but what attitude are you approaching them with?

Do you believe that you’re capable of making a major change and accomplishing a goal you’ve set for yourself, or are you already lining up the excuses in your back pocket for why you can’t have those things you really want?

Act Like You Already Have It

You’ve heard the expression “fake it ‘til you make it”, right? This is a similar thought process, only you’re not faking it. This is where your beliefs come into play. Whatever goal you want to go after, decide that it’s already yours, just waiting for you in your future. All you have to do is put the time and effort in and you’ll have that new position at work or move into that brand-new house.

Now I’m not saying that doubts will never creep into your mind. We’re human and when he feel scared or nervous about something, our mind will try to convince us that those feelings mean that something bad is going to happen. I challenge you to believe that those nerves are a confirmation that something big is coming your way, and that you wouldn’t be nervous at all if it weren’t something so amazing.

I’m the biggest cheerleader you’ll ever meet and there’s nothing I love more than seeing people accomplish their goals. Let’s connect on Instagram or Facebook and share your goals with me!


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