Reflecting on 2020

Reflection is a major part of my life. It’s so important to me to take time to acknowledge my mistakes, celebrate my successes, and intentionally take whatever lessons I’ve learned into my future, leaving anything that doesn’t serve me in my past. It’s something that I do frequently - every quarter when I’m setting new goals, every year on my birthday (or one of my kids’ birthdays…because OMG they are growing so annoyingly and heart-wrenchingly fast), and every year near the 31st of December.

As the year comes to a close and a new one is on the horizon, I’ll usually read through my old diary entries, look through my yearly planner, and try to actually re-live certain moments or phases of the year. But as with the rest of 2020, this year is just different. Normally, I’ve been so busy running around that I have to look through my diary and my planner to even remember what I did with the last 12 months. This year I know exactly what I’ve been writing about, exactly what I’ve done, and exactly what lessons I want to take with me into the new year.

I have to be completely honest …

I Am Grateful for 2020

I know. That sounds awful. How can I be grateful for a year that’s brought about so much chaos, division, tragedy and loss for so many people? While the empath in me feels and prays for all of the people who have seen nothing but struggle, a greater part of me is also humbled because I have seen so many blessings, both personally and professionally, that I don’t think I would’ve seen had this year not told the world to take several seats.

Lessons I’m Taking Into the New Year

Let me start by saying that none of the wonderful things that have happened for me this year would have been possible without my health. I’m aware, now more than ever, that my health is the most important thing in my life. That said, being forced to slow down gave me the time and opportunity I needed to learn some things that I needed to learn in order to create the life I’ve always wanted for myself and my family. While I’m sure I would’ve figured it all out eventually, I have to admit that I’m happy all of the lessons came flooding in at once.

Everything is temporary

Good or bad, nothing lasts forever. To me that means that we have to cherish the good things while we have them, be mindful and present in the moments we enjoy because we just don’t know how long they’ll last. It also means that we’re strong enough to withstand even the strongest storms, because they will eventually fade away.

Your Circle Can Get You Through Tough Times

A lot of people like to isolate themselves when life gets hard, thinking that they’ll be able to get through it alone, or simply not wanting to burden others with their problems. What I found this year is that leaning on the people I’m closest to is what helps me get through tough times. My family and I bonded so much during this time. Yes, we still drove each other nuts (at the start of the pandemic, we still lived in a very small apartment and we were literally in each other’s faces all day) but we also got more creative with ways to have fun, to explore the new city we eventually moved to, and to maintain connection with extended friends and family who we couldn’t see in person (God Bless FaceTime, Zoom, and socially-distanced playdates!)

Everyday You Have a Chance and a Choice

This little nugget actually came from my husband (I know he reads my work and is going to throw this in my face later, but it’s worth putting up with his mouth to share with y’all). So much….insanity was happening in the world around me. I could’ve let it get to me. I could’ve chosen fear and not faith. I could’ve been consumed with sadness at not being able to have my girl-time or any time, for that matter, that didn’t involve my kids. But I realized that each day we woke up and all of us were healthy was a day that we were given another chance to live another sickness-free day. Along with that chance came a choice to either make the most of it or waste it, and each day I chose the former. It wasn’t always an easy choice, but I wholeheartedly believe that making that choice daily is what led me to have the successes I’ve had this year, which leads me to the next lesson -

You Are Nothing Without Your Health

I know I touched on this a little already, but it really is the most profound lesson I’ve learned this year. My health hasn’t always been important to me, but I’ve been prioritizing my physical and mental health for about 7 years now. Becoming a mother made me realize how important it was for me to be the best version of myself so that my kids could have the best possible mom to raise them. This year, though…man, this year taught me that literally NOTHING is possible if you aren’t healthy. My husband and I have been blessed to be able to continue working, and we haven’t had to worry about taking care of sick kids. You can have a great career, a nice house, a healthy family…but you can’t enjoy ANY of it if you’re sick.

Do What You’re Passionate About…Right Now

How many times have you told yourself you’re going to go after your dream job, or write that book, or start that business…and you talk yourself out of it because it’s just “not the right time”? You tell yourself that you’ll do it “someday,” and that having stability is more important than chasing your dreams…but someday may never come. I hate to put it so bluntly and morbidly but we really don’t have time to waste coating the truth in sugar. The greatest lesson this year has taught us is that we don’t know sh*t besides what’s right in front of us. Tomorrow will be a complete surprise so why put off the things you want to do until then when you’re alive and well today?

Now, normally I would make new resolutions or set new goals for the new year, but like I said, all I know is what I have in front of me today, so here is what I’ll say instead: I’m putting my best food forward, going after the things I want, and staying grounded in my faith that everything works out exactly as it should; not just for the new year, but for every new day.

I pray that you are able to do the same, amigos <3


New Year’s Resolutions Are…Not a Thing This Year


Believing is Seeing