New Year’s Resolution for 2020 - None!

January is the time for New Year's Resolutions (read: promises that people make to themselves that they highly promote on their IG, #NewYearNewMe...and then fizzle out by March).

Before you get angry and take what you just read personally, know that if you've been offended, it's because there's some truth to it.

SO many people make commitments at the beginning of the year and then don't even make it to the summer before they give up. Why? Usually it's because whatever they've committed to is way too drastic of a change (say you've never, ever gone running a day in your life and you suddenly commit to running 3 miles a day for the entire year...), or life happens, and suddenly a promise that seemed so worthwhile now feels impossible (i.e. you promised that you'd save for that vacation you've been wanting to take, but you lose your job...Depressing, I know, but I'm trying to keep it real here).

This year, I have decided to try something completely different and I want to encourage you all to do the same:

My New Year's Resolution for 2020 is to make no New Year's Resolutions.

That's right. My promise is to make no promises. My expectation is to have no expectations. Instead, I will remain committed to being the best version of myself everyday, and take whatever comes my way with a good attitude.

This might sound very I-am-one-with-the-Universe, and that's because it's meant to. The past 6 months have been the absolute happiest of my life, and not because amazing things have been happening (I work the same job, live in the same house, drive the same get the picture) but because I have adopted a more open-minded perspective.

Instead of having expectations for how you want your life to go, be open to the opportunities and possibilities that present themselves.

I firmly believe that expectations are just set up for disappointment. Perception really is reality, friends, and if you are narrowly looking for things to go a certain way, then you'll miss out on all the other possibilities that are in your path. The only exception is for you to have an expectation of happiness. I can tell y'all from experience that once you decide that you will be happy/have a good time/stay in peace no matter what, any and all things that don't fit that profile have no space in your line of vision. If they do appear, their stay is momentary at best.

THAT is what I encourage you to do this year: stay open-minded, stay in peace, and commit to being the best version of yourself everyday. If you do that, I promise, this will be your best year yet!


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